Starting Microsoft Word



 Microsoft Word 2007 is a word processing software package. You can use it to type letters, reports, and other documents and Etc.

Starting Microsoft Word

  1. Click "Start" button and choose "Programs"

  2. Choose "Microsoft Office “and then choose Microsoft Office word 2007

Microsoft Word WindowThe Microsoft Office Button

In the upper-left corner of the Word 2007 window is the Microsoft Office button. When you click the button, a menu appears. You can use the menu to create a new file, Click an existing file, save a file, and perform many other tasks.

Office Button

Saving a Document (File)

  1. Click " Microsoft Office button " menu and choose "Save" or Press (Ctrl + S) or press (Shift + F12) or click save button on the toolbars

  2. In the "File name" box, type the file name and extension.

  3. Under "Save in" select the location you want to save in.

  4. Choose "Save" button or Press "Enter".

Opening a Document (File)

  1. Click “Microsoft Office button” menu and choose “Open press (Ctrl + O) or press (Ctrl + F12), or click Click button on the toolbars.

  2. In the "Look in" box, select the location you saved in.

  3. In the "File name" text box, type file name or select it in the filenames list.

  4. Choose "open" button or press "Enter"

Changing the name of the Document

  1. Click " Microsoft Office button " menu and choose "Save As" or Press (F12)

  2. In the "File name" box, type the new File Name and Extension.

  3. Under "Save in" select the new location you are saving in

  4. Choose "Save" button or Press "Enter"

Saving a Document with a Password

Password is a protection that prevents from Opening your files by the consumers. A password can contain any combination of letters, numerals, spaces, and symbols, and it can be up to 15 characters.

  1. Click " Microsoft Office button " menu and "Save As" or Press (F12)

  2. Click "Tools" Shortcut menu in the Save As dialog box.

  3. Choose "General Options" command.

  4. In the "Password to Open" box, type a password and press.

  5. In the "Reenter password to Open" box, type the password again.

  6. Choose "Ok" button and "Save" button.


Changing the Zoom of the Document

  1. Click "View Menu" and choose "Zoom"

  2. Under "Zoom to" choose One of the following Options:

♦ 200% ♦ 100%

♦ 75% ♦ Pages width

♦ Text width ♦ Whole page      

♦ Many pages ♦ Percent [X%]

  1. Choose  "Ok" button or press "Enter"

Setting Page Setup, Paper Size and Orientation

Margins are the borders on all four sides of a page. You can select one of the several predefined paper sizes. 

  1. Click "Page layout" menu and choose "Page Setup"

  2. Select "Margin" tab and specify your margin settings including:

  • Top

  • Bottom

  • Left

  • Right

  1. Under "Orientation" options, select one of the following:-

  • Portrait

  • Landscape

  1. Select "Paper" tab, and select the predefined paper size you want from "Paper Size" list.

  2. Choose "Ok" button.

Previewing Document before Printing

Previewing document is a view that shows you how a document will look when you print it. 

  1. Click “Microsoft Office button “menu choose "Print Preview" or press (Ctrl + F2) or press (Alt + Ctrl + I) or click Preview button on the toolbars.

Printing the Document

  1.  Click “Microsoft Office button” menu and choose "Print" or press Ctrl + P) or      (Ctrl + Shift + F12) or click button on the toolbars.

  2. In the "Name" specify the name of the printer you want to use.

  3. Under "Page range" select one of the following options: -

  • All.

  • Current page.

  • Pages.

  • Selection.

  1. In "Number of Copies" specify the quantity to print every page.

  2. Choose "Ok" button.


Copying and Pasting Text and Graphics

You can copy a text and graphics to another location in the same document or to another document. 

  1. Select the text or graphics you want to copy to other location.

  2. Click homepage then select Copy or Press (Ctrl + C)

  3. Click homepage then select Past or Press (Ctrl + V) 

Selecting All Text in-one Time

You can select text by using the mouse or the keyboard.

  1. Click “homepage” then select Editing choose “Select" Select all or press Ctrl + A

Cutting Text and Graphics

  1. Select the text or graphics you want to Cut

  2. Click the "homepage" then choose "Cut"  and then choose one of or  press Ctrl +X

Undoing Recently Action

Microsoft Word displays a list of the most recent actions you can undo.

Microsoft Word can undo multiple actions up to a certain limit. 

  1. Click  " homepage " Menu, and choose "Undo" or press "Ctrl + Z"

Finding Text

  1. Click  “homepage” select Editing " Choose "Find" (Ctrl + F) 

  2. In the "Find what" text box, Type the text you want to find

  3. Choose "Find next" button

Replacing Text

  1. Click  “homepage” select Editing " Choose "Replace" (Ctrl + H) 

  2. In the "Find what" text box, Type the text you want to replace.

  3. In the "Replace with" text box, Type the text that you want to use as replacement 

  4. Choose one of the following buttons as an optional.

  • Replace.

  • Replace All

  1. Choose "Cancel" button or press "Esc" to close the find dialog box


Formatting Font and Changing the Effects

Microsoft Word simplifies the text formatting to help you focus on the structure of your document.

  1. Select the text that you want to format

  2. Click "homepage" menu and choose "Font

  3. Choose "Font" Tab, and select these following as an optionally. 

  • Font Name. Times New Roman  "Ctrl + Shift + F"

  • Font style.   "Ctrl + B" and "Ctrl + I"

  • Font size. 12  "Ctrl + Shift + P"

  • Font color

  • Left Align "Ctrl + L"

  • Center Align "Ctrl + E"

  • Right Align "Ctrl + R"

  • Justify "Ctrl + J"

5. Under "Effects" group, choose the option you want:

  1. Choose "Ok" button.

Creating Drop Letter Capitals

You can create a dropped capital letter at the beginning of a paragraph of your document. 

  1. Select the first letter in the paragraph you want to drop.

  2. Click "Insert" menu and choose "Drop Cap"

  3. Select "Dropped" option.

  4. In the "Lines to Drop" text box, select the dropping lines.

  5. Choose "Ok" button.


Diyaari 2 pragraph oo gaagaaban, ka dibna wax ka beddel qaybaha "Font"ga. Ku shaqee "Effect"ka. Kala beddel "Change Case"ka. Abuur "Drop Cap"ka.


Inserting Date and Time to the Document

  1. Select, where you want to insert date & time

  2. Click "Insert" menu, choose "Date and Time"

  3. Under "Language" choose the country you want to use its Date/Time.

  4. Under "Calendar Type" select the type of your calendar.

  5. Under "Available Formats" list choose Date and Time format you want. 

  6. Select or clear "Update Automatically" check box, to update the Date/Time.

  7. Choose "Ok" button.

Inserting Symbols to the Document

You can insert symbols, special characters, and international characters in your document. 

  1. Select where you want to insert the symbol.

  2. Click "Insert" menu and choose "Symbol “and then select more symbols 

  3. Under the "Font" box, select the symbol you want. 

  4. Choose "Insert" button and "Close" button.

  5. To make more symbols repeat "Step 4" and choose "Close" button.


Diyaari document ka kooban 15 sadar oo qurux badan. U qaabee ducumeentigaaga paragraphs, u yeel dukumiintigaaga joogsiyo, hakadyo iyo calaamahada sharciga ah ee dukumiintiga.

Habka qoraalka waraaqdaada la kaasho macallinkaaga, si aad u soo saartid waraaq qurux badan oo lagu qanci karo.


Creating Newspaper Columns

Text in newsletter columns runs from one column to the next column on the same page.

  1. Select where you want to begin the columns or select the text

  2. Click "Page-Layout" menu and choose "Columns" and then select more coumns

  3. In the "Number of Columns" box, specify the number of columns you want to use.

  4. Under "Width and Spacing" define the width or spacing for individual columns.

  5. Select or clear these following useful check boxes.

  • "Equal Column Width" check box.

  • "Line between" check box.

  1. Under "Apply To" specify the order you want to format.

  2. Choose "Ok" button.

Inserting Footnote to the Document

Footnotes are reference marks in the text a sequence number that identifies your note.


  1. Select after the word to insert a Footnote. For example Somalia

  2. Click "Reference " menu and choose "" and then "Insert Footnote" or you can use by pressing  (Alt + Ctrl + F)

  3. Under "Format" set the following options or text boxes

  • Number Format

  • Start at

  1. Choose "Insert" button, and then type your Footnote text in the note pane area of your page bottom.

  2. Choose "Close" button


  1. Waa maxay News letter columns. Qoraalka columns-ka dhinacee ayuu ka soo qulqulaa, dhineceese ayuu u qulqulaa?

  2. Waa maxay faaiidada Footnotes ay ku leedahay dukumiintiga dhexdiisa. Lamkarka Footnotes-ku sidee ayuu u socdaa?


Creating Headers and Footers

Headers and Footers contain information repeated at the top or bottom of the pages. 

  1. Click "Insert" Menu and choose "Header and Footer"

  2. Type the Header or Footers text in the "Header/Footer" area.

  3. Use "Arrows" to witch between "Headers and footers"  

  4. Choose "Close" button when you finish.

Inserting Page Numbers

  1. Click "Insert" menu and choose "Page Numbers"

  2. In the "Position" list, choose one of the following:

  • Bottom of the page (Footer

  • Top of the page (Header)  

  1. In the "Alignment" list box, choose one of the following:

  • Left

  • Right

  • Center

  1. Select "Show number on first page" to show the first page number

  2. Choose "Ok" button.

Creating Numbered or Bulleted List

  1. Select where to begin the numbered or Bulleted list.

  2. Click "Home" menu and choose "Bullets and Numbering" or click Numbering and Bullets buttons on the toolbars.

  3. Select "Numbered" or "Bulleted" tab, 

  4. Select the Numbered or Bulleted style from the predefined list.

  5. Choose "Ok" button.

N.B. To stop Numbered or bulleted list, choose "None" from the predefined list.


  1. Aragtidaada Header iyo Footer, ma waxay ka galaan dukumiintiga labada gees ee midixda iyo midigta, mise waxay ka galaan dhexda?

  2. Maxay ku kala duwan yihiin Bulleted iyo Numbered?


Adding the Paragraph Border

  1. Select the paragraph or paragraphs you want to add a border

  2. Click "Page-Layout" Menu and choose "Page Border"

  3. Choose "Borders" tab, and Select the option from the settings option including: -

  • Box

  • Shadow

  • 3-D

  • Custom

  1. Under "Style" list, select the border style you want.

  2. Under "Color" drop down box, select the color you want.

  3. Under "Width" box, select the style line width you want

  4. Under "Apply to" select either "Text" or "Paragraph"

  5. Choose "Ok" button.

Creating Page Border

  1. Click "Page-layout" menu and choose " Page Border "

  2. Choose "Page Border" tab, Select the option from the settings option including:


Graphics are including pictures, AutoShapes and WordArt objects. 

Inserting Pictures to your Document

  1. Click "Insert" menu and choose "Clip Art

  2. Click "Clip Organizer…. and then "Microsoft Clip Organizer" program runs automatically.

  3. Under "Collection List" select "Office Collections"

  4. From the list, select the category you want to use its pictures and select an object you want from the pictures list.

  5. Use the "Copy" command and the "Paste" in your document.

Drawing and Coloring AutoShapes and Lines

  1. Click "Insert" menu and choose " shapes

  2. Click and drag the "Cross hair" point on your page to draw an object.

  3. Release the "Mouse" button when you position.

Creating WordArt Object

  1. Click "Insert" Menu and choose "Word Art" or 

  2. Under "Select a WordArt Style" List, choose the word Art you want. 

  3. Choose "Ok" and type the text you want to be word Art object in the "Text" box

  4. Choose "Ok" button.


A table is crossed horizontal and vertical lines of rows and columns that you can fill with text and graphics.

Creating a Simple Table

  1. Click " Insert " menu and choose  "Table"

  2. Specify the number you want in the following text boxes.

  • Number of Columns.

  • Number of Rows.

  1. Under "Auto fit Behavior" choose one of the following options.

  • Fixed Column Width.

  • Auto fit to Contents.

  • Auto fit to Window.

  1. Choose "Ok" button.

Inserting Columns or Rows 

  1. Select the rows or columns you want to insert 

  2. Click "layout"  

  3. Choose among the following options: -

  • Columns to the Left.

  • Columns to the Right.

  • Rows Above.

  • Rows Below.

Deleting Columns or Rows 

  1. Select the rows or columns you want to delete 

  2. Click "layout"  and choose "Delete"

  3. Choose among the following options: -

  • Columns.

  • Rows.


Samee "Table" la mid ah midka hoos ku yaal, ka dibna ku soo dar column-yo iyo row-yo cusub, markaa ka dib, isku day in aad tirtirtid qaar ka mid ah columns-ka iyo rows-ka "Table"kaaga cusub.


Full Name





Mukhtar Husein





Sorting the Data of a Table

  1. Select the table or select only the column you want to sort

  2. Click "layout"  and choose "Sort"

  3. In the "Sort by" Select the name of the column you want to sort.

  4. Under the "Type" box, choose an option including,

  • Text.

  • Number.

  • Date.

  1. Choose one of the following sorting orders

  • Ascending

  • Descending 

  1. Choose "Ok" button.

Performing Calculations in the Table

  1. Selecting the cell in which you want the result to appear.

  2. Click "Table" menu, choose "Formula"

  3. In the "Formula" box, Type an operator.

  4. Choose "Ok" button.

Numbering Rows and Columns for a Table

  1. Select the rows or columns you want to number

  2. Click "Home" menu and choose "Bullets and Numbering"

  3. Choose "Numbered" Tab and select one of the predefined choices.

  4. Choose "Ok" button.

Wixii faah faahin ah kala xiriir dhamaan ardayda iyo daneyayasha  buugan waa in ay ilaaliyaan xuquuqda booga qofwalbo waxaa loo shegayaa in iska ilaaliyo xuqquuqda buuga

Make More Practical Reach your Opportunity


Diyaari document ka kooban 15 sadar oo qurux badan. U qaabee ducumeentigaaga paragraphs, u yeel dukumiintigaaga joogsiyo, hakadyo iyo calaamahada sharciga ah ee dukumiintiga.

Habka qoraalka waraaqdaada la kaasho macallinkaaga, si aad u soo saartid waraaq qurux badan oo lagu qanci karo.


Samee "Table" la mid ah midka hoos ku yaal, ka dibna ku soo dar column-yo iyo row-yo cusub, markaa ka dib, isku day in aad tirtirtid qaar ka mid ah columns-ka iyo rows-ka "Table"kaaga cusub.


Full Name





Saciid C/wali




C/xakin C/risaq




Axmed Cabdi




Farax Tabat




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