Same as the grace Allah gave him

1 minute read

 Same as the grace Allah gave him because they are giving up the assets that Allah he gave them and they are thinking of the work that created them the Jewish

People are created in a world of competition and searches for property and searches and they are living that they are so they live but they are able to be created up to a minority.

Biliadamka magaranayaan nimcada allah uu siiyay maxaa yeelay waxay ku tagrifilaan hantida allah uu siiyay waxayna noqdaan kuwa aad ugu fikira shaqada halka ay ilaalin lahaayeen kan ka abuuray ayaga iyo kuwii dhalay iyo aduunkan 
dadka waxaa lagu abuuray aduunyo jaceel  tartan  iyo raadin hanti waxay modayaan in hantida ay tahay waxay u nool yihiin laakiin magarayaan waxa loo abuuray ilaa kuwa tiro yar oo og in allah uu xisaabin doono

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