Love store & sad songs part 1

5 minute read

 Hating a man and marrying a girl makes her angry! But it is clear to you, the tactics and strategies of men who seek to get rich and woo girls. You will also learn how many men play with the future of many immature girls. When a man is cheated on, he doesn't rest until he's done with it, and that's where the adage that says "a man who cares never gets tired" comes into play. the sweet touch that shows love that doesn't go beyond the throat and loyalty that doesn't grow out of the tongue that is difficult for a young girl to understand unless she is gassy. In this book, in a wise and tactful way, the author conveys an amazing story that happened in the city of Hamar in the past years, and then he conveyed it to us in a great way. This story revolves around a young woman who is a combination of beauty and beauty, but unfortunately she stole the heart of one of the men known as "Tiger women". While he was going through different stages with this girl, he used the weapon of women's hearts to kill the most powerful and powerful, to achieve his interest. This caused the girl to be neglected and neglected without any love, and she loses both her future as a girl and her life process. The young girl who complains, "My son, why did you eat a girl, send her to the desert, and kill her in the desert" and she can't stand it and talks to herself in some moments, she shares with the writer the pain and suffering of the old days. while she was going through this complex phase and the way things are now. She is the main character of this story. A period of sweet language, will be planted with love that does not pass the lips and a marriage future that does not reach the mind; She cannot sleep with an imaginary love, whose thirst has cut off her usefulness, and whose tears are boundless at the loss of his sight, and which shines like a diamond, for a while she lives with a sense that does not exist and admires false airs and happiness. Hypothetically, it's time for him to be longer. The evening that she returned home from happiness and joy turned into a sad and angry one, she takes "most of the night, pray for the day". When the surface shines,

She didn't sleep, she was walking in the most painful and sad moments; and she is at the Aaden Abdulle airport, she put her foot on the ground and lost her hands, she left the airport with her heart pounding. After that, life changed to black and white, and the lover's love rose to a hundred, but they were not lucky enough to be sent by the first person to listen to each other. In the meantime, Yasir, who was selfish of the humiliated girl's mind, put his hand on Hamar's flag. In a place where he put his feet and heels, when his interests disappeared, he met a girl who is Yasir's sister, who was selfish and had a bright future, she did not get full help, depression and a long time later, Yasir did not thank him and went to a doctor. performed genital surgery! In this multi-faceted story, the author's main interest is to report on men's acts of violence against women and violence against women.


based on their treatment of goods for girls. Also, the purpose behind the submission of this story is to raise awareness and warn the readers to be a living example for girls who are not yet mature in life. without losing the author's copyright. The story is divided into four castles, each of which is based on the waves and the transition of the story according to where it goes, which makes it easier for the reader to connect with the meaning of each one. The site is written in the most beautiful and elegant way

    It's time for the Magrib prayer and the sun has fallen. It is a night of the breeze that is perfect for two lovers who have made a family to light up and celebrate together with the lights of the plate and the beautiful atmosphere of the land, the mountains and the sky to remind them of the seed of love that lies in their chest and the beauty of the family they have united. I walked out of the central gate of my house on my way to spend some time in a structure consisting of a table and four chairs that surround it like a lounge in the yard of my apartment. I found the base of one of the chairs is a chair that is placed on top of itself, and the surface is painted white. When I spend a few hours here with myself, it is different from all the other hours I spend with anyone else, except for my eldest son Abdirahman, who I love to forget the problems around me.

      No one but little Abdirahman is with me at home now, and he slept a little after waking up today. Then I prefer to give time to the trust (soul) in me to take stock of myself or lure the soul to past things so that the burden I feel is less. When I sat in the chair I put my right leg over my left. After that, I watched the beauty of the stars, each one of them fading in the sky, and the fifteenth moon, which is about to illuminate the earth like daylight, watching the beauty of this sky that Allah SWT I have been away for a while.

part 1

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